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Zen Technologies unveils new set of AI-driven combat and training solutions As On :13-Feb-25 14:21

Zen Technologies unveiled a new suite of next-generation combat and training systems on Day 4 of Aero India 2025, reinforcing India's position as a leader in advanced military technology. Following the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) launch of Zen's AI-powered defence systems on Day 2, the Company has now unveiled a new suite of indigenous innovations aimed at enhancing battlefield readiness, mission effectiveness, and global security. Developed entirely in-house, these advanced solutions are designed to meet the evolving demands of air, land, and naval forces, reinforcing India's self-reliance in defence technology while equipping modern military forces with next-generation capabilities.

New Defence Solutions Unveiled on Day 4

' Drone-Based Attack and Defence in Virtual Simulation (IWTS)- A next-gen firearms simulator for Defence and Security Forces, enabling hyper-realistic combat training with AI-powered analytics.

' Indigenous Propulsion System for UAVs (RPAs) - A groundbreaking propulsion system which is modular, hybrid and fuel efficient for extended endurance and operational efficiency.

' Airborne Killer Drone System - A high-speed, AI-powered powered drone system with autonomous target detection and tracking, precision strike capability, 100+ km operational range and autonomous swarm capabilities.

' Tactical Engagement Simulator (TacSim) - A state-of-the-art force on force training system for soldiers with the advance features of drone engagement.

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