Liquidity--The most important benefit of investing in a Mutual Fund is that the investor can redeem the units at any point in time
Diversification--The value of an investment may not rise or fall in tandem.Diversification reduces the risk involved in building a portfolio thereby further reducing the risk for an investor
Expert Management--A novice investor may not have much knowledge or information on how and where to invest. The experts manage and operate MF. The highly qualified expert keeps a watch on timely exit and entry and takes care of all the challenges.
4) Flexibility to invest in Smaller Amounts--Among other benefits of Mutual Funds the most important benefit is its flexible nature. Investors need not put in a huge amount of money to invest in a Mutual Fund. Investment can be as per the cash flow position.
Accessibility--Mutual Funds are easily accessible and you can start investing and buy mutual funds from anywhere in the world.